WEE articles

Annotation Summary on WEE Literatures

Women’s Equitable Access to the Labour Market Gender norms in a society determine roles assigned to males and females. According to (Dula, 2019) women are...

Challenges Facing Women’s Empowerment through Adult Education

Mengistie, T.A. (2020) ‘Challenges facing women’s empowerment through adult education: The case of Ethiopia’s integrated functional adult education program’, Asian Women, 36(4), pp. 85–112.  The...

The Multidimensional Nature of Women’s Empowerment: Beyond the Economic Approach

Bayissa, F.W., Smits, J. and Ruben, R. (2018) ‘The Multidimensional Nature of Women’s Empowerment: Beyond the Economic Approach’, Journal of International Development, 30(4), pp. 661–690. ...

Gender Wage and Productivity Gaps in the Ethiopian Manufacturing Sector

Melaku A., and Gibson N., (2023) ‘Gender wage and productivity gaps in the Ethiopian manufacturing sector’. Journal Of Applied Economics 26(1) The authors commenced with...

Procrastination in Recognising the Rights of Domestic Workers in Ethiopia

Mussie M., (2016) ‘Procrastination in Recognizing the Rights of Domestic Workers in Ethiopia’. Mizan Law Review 10(1), pp. 38-72. The author commenced with stating the...

An Empirical Evaluation of the Link between Women Participation in Village Savings and Loans Association (VSLA) and Poverty Reduction in Ethiopia

Beyene, N.L. and Dinbabo, M.F. (2019) ‘An Empirical Evaluation of the Link between Women Participation in Village Savings and Loans Association (VSLA) and Poverty Reduction...

Determinants that influence the performance of women entrepreneurs in micro and small enterprises in Ethiopia

Alene, E.T. (2020) ‘Determinants that influence the performance of women entrepreneurs in micro and small enterprises in Ethiopia’, Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 9(1).  Alene ...

mpact of Microfinance on Income and Employment of Women in Jigjiga, Ethiopia

Alam, P. and Azad, I. (2021) Impact of Microfinance on Income and Employment of Women in Jigjiga, Ethiopia, International Journal of Economics and Business Administration,...

Review of Microfinance and Women’s Empowerment in Ethiopia

Kabeta, T. (2017) ‘Review of Microfinance and Women’s Empowerment in Ethiopia’, American Journal of Finance, 2(6), pp. 1–27. The paper started by outlining  the beginning...

The Impact of Microfinance on Living Standards, Empowerment and Poverty Alleviation of the Poor People in Ethiopia

Chirkos, A.Y. (2014) The Impact of Microfinance on Living Standards, Empowerment and Poverty Alleviation of the Poor People in Ethiopia, A Case Study in ACSI,...

Understanding Financial Inclusion in Ethiopia

Mossie, W.A. (2022) ‘Understanding financial inclusion in Ethiopia’, Cogent Economics and Finance, 10(1). The author commenced by  reiterating the G20 Summit agenda that recognises financial...

Annotation Summary for Formal and Informal Employment Opportunity for Women in Ethiopia

Annotation Summary for ‘Formal and Informal Employment Opportunity for Women’ Folder The articles are basically discussing how women’s engagement varies across formal and informal labour...

Hallenges and Opportunities of Women Participating in Informal Sector in Ethiopia: A Special Focus on Women Street Vendors in Arba Minch City

Yohannes, Mekonnen Abebe. 2017. ‘Challenges and Opportunities of Women Participating in Informal Sector in Ethiopia: A Special Focus on Women Street Vendors in Arba Minch...

Deriving Forces and Socioeconomic Status of Women in the Urban Informal Sector in Bichena Town, West-Central Ethiopia

Jenberu, Amene Afework, and Getaye Mulugeta Kasse. 2021. ‘Deriving Forces and Socioeconomic Status of Women in the Urban Informal Sector in Bichena Town, West-Central Ethiopia’....

Determinants of Women Unemployment: Evidence From Ethiopia

Gobebo, Gizachew, Wondaferahu Mulugeta, and Temesgen Yaekob. 2017. ‘DETERMINANTS OF WOMEN UNEMPLOYMENT: EVIDENCE FROM ETHIOPIA (CASE OF HALABATOWN, SNNPR)’. International Journal of Development Research 7. ...

Woman Labor Force Participation in Off-Farm Activities and Its Determinants in Afar Regional State, Northeast Ethiopia’

Menelik Asfaw, Dagmawe. 2022. ‘Woman Labor Force Participation in Off-Farm Activities and Its Determinants in Afar Regional State, Northeast Ethiopia’. Cogent Social Sciences 8 (1)....

Woman labor force participation in off-farm activities and its determinants in Afar Regional State, Northeast Ethiopia

Menelik Asfaw, Dagmawe. 2022. ‘Woman Labor Force Participation in Off-Farm Activities and Its Determinants in Afar Regional State, Northeast Ethiopia’. Cogent Social Sciences 8 (1)....

Women in the Informal Sector: Retrospect’s and Socioeconomic Re-Sponse in Dessie Town, Ethiopia: The Case of Parallel Trading

Hadis, Woldie, Sebsib. 2015. ‘Women in The Informal Sector: Retrospect’s And Socioeconomic Re-Sponse in Dessie Town, Ethiopia: The Case of Parallel Trading’. International Journal of...

Attitude and Perception of Women on Domestic Violence Practised by Husbands in Ethiopia

Bayissa, R. (2020) ‘Attitude and Perception of Women on Domestic Violence Practised by Husbands in Ethiopia’, Liberal Arts and Social Sciences International Journal (LASSIJ), 4(1),...

Do Gender Roles Affect Urban Poverty in Ethiopia? A Focus on Women in Micro and Small Enterprises

Alemu, N.E., Temesgen, E. and Dessiye, M. (2023) ‘Do gender roles affect urban poverty in Ethiopia? A focus on women in micro and small enterprises,...

Domestic Violence Against Women and Associated Factors in Ethiopia; Systematic Review

Semahegn, A. and Mengistie, B. (2015) ‘Domestic violence against women and associated factors in Ethiopia; Systematic review’, Reproductive Health, 12(78), pp. 1–12 The author commenced...

Early Marriage and Women’s Empowerment: The Case of Child-Brides in Amhara National Regional State, Ethiopia

Abera, M. et al. (2020) ‘Early marriage and women’s empowerment: the case of child-brides in Amhara National Regional State, Ethiopia’, BMC International Health and Human...

Gender-norms, violence and adolescence: Exploring how gender norms are associated with experiences of childhood violence among young adolescents in Ethiopia

Murphy, M. et al. (2021) ‘Gender-norms, violence and adolescence: Exploring how gender norms are associated with experiences of childhood violence among young adolescents in Ethiopia’,...

The Challenges of Women Leaders of Business Organizations in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in Balancing Work-Family Responsibilities Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in Balancing Work-Family Responsibilities

Abeba, B.B. and Mengistu, B. (2018) ‘The Challenges of Women Leaders of Business Organizations in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in Balancing Work-Family Responsibilities Addis Ababa, Ethiopia,...

We are responsible for the violence, and prevention is up to us”: A qualitative study of perceived risk factors for gender-based violence among Ethiopian university students

Kaufman, M.R. et al. (2019) ‘“We are responsible for the violence, and prevention is up to us”: A qualitative study of perceived risk factors for...

Examining the Low Women Autonomy in Household Decision Makings in Sidama Zone, Southern Ethiopia

Eyasu, R., Nigatu R. (2016) ‘Examining the low women autonomy in household decision makings in Sidama zone, Southern Ethiopia’, Journal of Woman’s Reproductive Health, 1...

Towards Empowering Rural Women through Micro-Finance Assisted Income Generating Activities: The Case of Wesasa Microfinance Institution, Dandi District, Ethiopia

Tesfaye Edosa Damesa and Gemechu Shale Ogato. 2016. Towards Empowering Rural Women through Microfinance Assisted Income Generating Activities: The Case of Wesasa Microfinance Institution, Dandi...

What Do Female-Headed Households’ Livelihood Strategies in Jimma City, Southwest Ethiopia Look like From the Perspective of the Sustainable Livelihood Approach?

Habtamu Wondimu, Wubit Delelegn and Kassahun Dejene (2022) ‘What do female-headed households’ livelihood strategies in Jimma city, Southwest Ethiopia look like from the perspective of...

Women Engagement in Business: Evidence from Community Based Cross-Sectional Study in North Gondar Zone, Northwest Ethiopia

Hagos, T. et al. (2017) ‘Women Engagement in Business: Evidence from Community Based Cross-Sectional Study in North Gondar Zone, Northwest Ethiopia’, Journal of Culture, Society...

Women’s Access to Microfinance Services in Southern Ethiopia Assessing the Promises, Impacts, Challenges and Gaps

Kebede, M., & Regassa, N. (2019). Women’s Access to Microfinance Services in Southern Ethiopia: Assessing the Promises, Impacts, Challenges and Gaps. In Economic Studies in...

Women’s Livelihood in the Informal Sector: Analysis of Micro Sellers or “Gullit” in Addis Ababa City, Ethiopia

Desyalew Mekonen, K., Paulos Genetu, Y. and Meseret Legese, F. (2016) ‘Women’s Livelihood in the Informal Sector: Analysis of Micro Sellers or “Gullit” in Addis...

Assessment of the Roles and Constraints of Women in Economic Development of Ethiopia

Ayferam, Gashaw. 2015. “Assessment of the Roles and Constraints of Women in Economic Development of Ethiopia: The Case of Ambo Town Since 1991.” Journal of...

Desperate, Deceived and Disappointed: Women’s Lives and Labour in Rural Ethiopia and Uganda

Sender, John, and Christopher Cramer. 2022. ‘Desperate, Deceived and Disappointed: Women’s Lives and Labour in Rural Ethiopia and Uganda’. Journal of Contemporary African Studies 40...

Determinants of Rural Women Economic Empowerment inAgricultural Activities The Case of Damot Gale Woreda of Wolaita Zone, SNNPRS of Ethiopia

Abebayehu Chama Didana. 2019. ‘Determinants of Rural Women Economic Empowerment in Agricultural Activities: The Case of Damot Gale Woreda of Wolaita Zone, SNNPRS of Ethiopia’....

Factors Affecting the Growth of Women-Operated Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) in Ethiopia

Gebremariam, Fesseha Mulu. 2017. ‘Factors Affecting the Growth of Women-Operated Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) in Ethiopia’. Üniversitepark BĂŒlten 6 (1): 56–66.  The role of...

Gender-Based Constraints and Opportunities to Women’s Participation in the Small Ruminant Value Chain in Ethiopia: A Community Capitals Analysis

Mulema, Annet Abenakyo, Cathy Rozel Farnworth, and Kathleen Earl Colverson. 2017. ‘Gender-Based Constraints and Opportunities to Women’s Participation in the Small Ruminant Value Chain in...

How local gender norms and intra-household dynamics shape women’s demand for laborsaving technologies insights from maize-based livelihoods in Ethiopia and Kenya

Badstue, L. et al. (2020) ‘How local gender norms and intra-household dynamics shape women’s demand for labour saving technologies: insights from maize-based livelihoods in Ethiopia...

Socio-Demographic Determinants of Female Labour Force Participation in Ethiopia: Evidence from Gondar City, Amhara Region

Gebreyes, Bisrat Worku. 2019. ‘Socio-Demographic Determinants of Female Labour Force Participation in Ethiopia: Evidence from Gondar City, Amhara Region’. Journal Of Development in Social Sciences...

The Role of Empowering Women and Achieving Gender Equality to the Sustainable Development of Ethiopia

Bayeh, Endalcachew. 2016. ‘The Role of Empowering Women and Achieving Gender Equality to the Sustainable Development of Ethiopia’. Pacific Science Review B: Humanities and Social...

Annotation Summary- Land Right and WEE

Annotation Summary for ‘Land Rights and Women’s Economic Empowerment ’ Folder   The articles are basically discussing the historical background of the landholding/ownership system in...

Gender Dimensions of Land Tenure Reforms in Ethiopia 1995-2020

Holden and Stein T (2020) Gender dimensions of land tenure reforms in Ethiopia 1995-2020, Centre for Land Tenure Studies. 06 The study started by identifying...

Joint Land Certification Programmes and Women’s Empowerment: Evidence from Ethiopia’, Journal of Development Studies, 54(10), pp. 1756–1774.

Melesse, M.B., Dabissa, A. and Bulte, E. (2018) ‘Joint Land Certification Programmes and Women’s Empowerment: Evidence from Ethiopia’, Journal of Development Studies, 54(10), pp. 1756–1774....

Landownership- the path towards rural women empowerment: A case from Southern Ethiopia

Tefera, T. (2013) ‘Land Ownership- the path towards rural women empowerment: A case from Southern Ethiopia’, International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology, 5(9), pp. 330–338...

Performance of women-managed plots compared to men-managed plots among smallholder maize farmers in western and central Ethiopia’, Journal of Applied Economics, 24(1), pp. 523–540.

Marenya, P.P., Gebremariam, G. and Rahut, D.B. (2021) ‘Performance of women-managed plots compared to men-managed plots among smallholder maize farmers in western and central Ethiopia’,...

Socio-cultural and Policy Related Constraints to Women’s Land Right: A Case Study from Gamo Highland, SW Ethiopia

Yirgu Bayu, T. (2015) ‘Socio-cultural and Policy Related Constraints to Women’s Land Right: A Case Study from Gamo Highland, SW Ethiopia’, Humanities and Social Sciences,...

Women Farmers’ (Dis)Empowerment Compared to Men Farmers in Ethiopia

Petros, S. et al. (2018) ‘Women Farmers’ (Dis)Empowerment Compared to Men Farmers in Ethiopia’, World Medical and Health Policy, 10(3), pp. 220–245. The main purpose...

Women’s Right to and Control over Rural Land in Ethiopia: The Law and the Practice

Tura, H.A. (2014) ‘Women’s Right to and Control over Rural Land in Ethiopia: The Law and the Practice’, International Journal of Gender and Women’s Studies,...

Women’s Land Tenure Security and Household Human Capital: Evidence from Ethiopia’s Land Certification

Muchomba, F.M. (2017) ‘Women’s Land Tenure Security and Household Human Capital: Evidence from Ethiopia’s Land Certification’, World Development, 98, pp. 310–324.    The author commenced...

Inclusive Growth and Inequalities in the Context

Kedir, A.M. (2014) ‘Inclusive Growth and Inequalities in the Context of Structural Transformation: Evidence from Ethiopia’, Society for International Development. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 512–520.  Among...

Revisiting Women Empowerment Through a Cultural Lens a In-Depth Analysis of Empowerment Methodologies in Horticulture in Rural Ethiopia

Sarah, D.S.  and Smaranda, B. (2021). ‘Revisiting Women Empowerment Through a Cultural Lens a In-Depth Analysis of Empowerment Methodologies in Horticulture in Rural Ethiopia’.  Frontiers...

The Quest for Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in Least Developed Countries: Policy and Strategy Implications for Achieving Millennium Development Goals in Ethiopia

Ogato, S. (2013) ‘The quest for gender equality and women’s empowerment in least developed countries: Policy and strategy implications for achieving millennium development goals in...

Women and Development in Ethiopia: A Sociohistorical Analysis

Tesfaye, S., Hirut, B. and Rahel, A. (2019) ‘Women and Development in Ethiopia: A Sociohistorical Analysis’, Journal of Developing Societies, 35 (2), pp. 230-255.  The...

Empowering smallholder women farmers through participatory seed potato management: Lessons from Welmera district, Ethiopia

Oumer, A.M., Tiruneh, W.G. and Tizale, C.Y. (2014) ‘Empowering smallholder women farmers through participatory seed potato management: Lessons from Welmera district, Ethiopia’, Journal of Sustainable...

Factors Affecting Women Farmers’ Participation In Agricultural Extension Services For Improving The Production In Rural District Of Dendi West Shoa Zone, Ethiopia

Haile, F. (2016) ‘Factors Affecting Women Farmers’ Participation In Agricultural Extension Services For Improving The Production In Rural District Of Dendi West Shoa Zone, Ethiopia’,...

Gender and Farming in Ethiopia: An Exploration of Discourses and Implications for Policy and Research Independent Researcher (Gender and Development Specialist)

Gella, A. and Tadele, G. (2015) ‘Gender and Farming in Ethiopia: An Exploration of Discourses and Implications for Policy and Research Independent researcher (gender and...

Gender empowerment and parity in East Africa: evidence from climate-smartagriculture in Ethiopia and Kenya

Tesfaye, A. et al. (2022) ‘Gender empowerment and parity in East Africa: evidence from climate-smart agriculture in Ethiopia and Kenya’, Climate and Development [Preprint]. The...

Gender, Participation and Decision-Making Process in Farming Activities: the case of Yilman Densa District, Amhara Region, Ethiopia

Mulugeta, M. and Amsalu, T. (2014) ‘Gender, Participation and Decision-Making Process in Farming Activities: the case of Yilman Densa District, Amhara Region, Ethiopia’, Journal of...

The Roles of Rural Women on Agricultural Labor Conscriptions in Ethiopia: The Case of Delanta District, South Wello Zone

Abate Dessie, N. (2017) ‘The Roles of Rural Women on Agricultural Labor Conscriptions in Ethiopia: The Case of Delanta District, South Wello Zone’, EC Nutrition,...

Women farmers’ participation in the agricultural research process: implications for agricultural sustainability in Ethiopia’, International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability

Mulema, A.A. et al. (2019) ‘Women farmers’ participation in the agricultural research process: implications for agricultural sustainability in Ethiopia’, International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 17(2),...

Impact of Small-Scale Irrigation Technology on Women Empowerment in Amhara National Regional State of Ethiopia

Belete, B. and Melak, S. (2020) ‘Impact of small-scale irrigation technology on women empowerment in Amhara national regional state of Ethiopia’, Cogent Economics and Finance,...

Impact of Gender Inequality in Socio-Economic Development: The Case of Women in Ethiopia

Tsegamariam Dula (2019) ‘Impact of Gender Inequality in Socio-Economic Development: The Case of Women in Ethiopia’, Developing Country Studies, 9(11), pp. 46-52. Being women and...

Strengthening Economic Rights and Women’s Occupational Choice

Hallward-Driemeier, M. and Gajigo, O. (2015) ‘Strengthening economic rights and women’s occupational choice: The impact of reforming Ethiopia’s family law’, World Development, 70, pp. 260–273....