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Women Economic Empowerment (WEE) refers to initiatives and policies aimed at enhancing women’s access to economic resources, opportunities, and decision-making power, enabling them to participate fully and equally in economic activities and improve their socio-economic status.

Unpaid Care Work refers to the unpaid work performed such as caregiving, domestic chores, and supporting family members. This work is often undervalued and not recognized in economic terms.

Unpaid care work recognition means acknowledging the importance and contribution of unpaid care work to the economy and society, and taking measures to value, reduce, and redistribute this burden more equitably among all members of society.

Some policies in Ethiopia address both Women Economic Empowerment and Unpaid Care Work. These policies aim to create supportive environments, provide social protection, and promote gender equality to improve women’s economic opportunities and address unpaid care responsibilities.

Women can report workplace discrimination or gender-based challenges to the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission or labour authorities.

To enhance economic opportunities for women in rural areas, the government has implemented initiatives such as rural credit and savings schemes, agricultural extension services, and skills training programs.